“Let him who hath two loaves sell one, and buy a flower: for bread is but food for the body,
whereas a flower is food for the soul”
A History of Flowers
w e d d i n g s
b r i d e s & b o u q u e t s
e v e n t d e s i g n
my story - kim barkow

My floral career began in 1996 while in my early twenties. I’d left my home in Maine, traveling and working in the hospitality industry. It was when I made a move to San Francisco beginning a hosting job at Michael Mina’s acclaimed restaurant Aqua I found my calling… flowers. I remember my interview being in the middle of this amazing dining room and I could not take my eyes off the flowers. I immediately sourced the floral designer and offered to work as an apprentice, in just a few weeks I became a full time designer. I had found my calling. The perfect fit for my stubborn eye for detail, creative enthusiasm, desire to make people happy and love of nature.
I later returned to the east coast to Nantucket Island and became a manager and designer at Trillium, a gorgeous French styled floral shop. Robin Bergland the owner’s taste was meticulously polished, sophisticated and ahead of her time, she was a big part of my cultivation to the designer I am today.
I later moved back to San Francisco to start my own floral business. My first account was Michael Mina for his new restaurant “Michael Mina” in Union Square – right back where I had started nine years earlier. I also worked in the city as a freelance designer for world class event designer Stanlee Gatti whose client list is unprecedented, events over the top and always genius. In 2007 I was chosen by Restoration Hardware to design their entire faux floral Christmas line for their catalogs and stayed on as a stylist for catalog shoots until 2010.
I now live on Kauai where I have been for ten years enjoying time with Gwendolyn and Scout – my two young daughters. I appreciate the natural beauty of Kauai which inspires me to balance the traditional and the modern. In terms of my design philosophy, I love the client just as much as I love the work, it's very personal to me and with all the years of event experience I’ve had, I don’t ever say “I like the challenge of getting the client what they want” but, instead “I get this client, I understand exactly what they want” and from there the relationship begins. I look forward to hearing from you and working together on your special celebration. Aloha!
c o n t a c t
Kim Barkow, owner
gwendolyn scout design
Please email gwendolynscout@gmail.com for more information or set up an appointment.
Follow me on instagram gwendolynscountdesign